Paranormal Romance: a sub-genre that focuses on romance and includes elements beyond the range of scientific explanation, blending together themes from the genres of traditional fantasy, science fiction, or horror. Common hallmarks are romantic relationships between humans and vampires, shape shifters, ghosts, and other entities of a fantastic or otherworldly nature and can also include characters with psychic abilities.

Addict: (v) to habituate or abandon oneself to something compulsively or obsessively (see above)

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Thanks so much for joining me on my little pet project, Paranormal Romance Addict!

As paranormal romance is close to my heart, I really loved putting this blog together and showcasing that. But this is a secondary blog of mine and due to time constraints I will no longer be posting here. 
:-( I hope that you will join me at my main book blog though, Reading Between the Wines, where we showcase a wide range of romance with daily posts from authors as well as giveaways, reviews, news and more! All of PRA's reviews have also been moved there. :-) I look forward to seeing you!

A.K.A. The Addict
readingbetweenthewines10 at gmail dot com


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